None of us have all the answers, but all of us do……

Waking up most mornings over the last weeks to the snippets of news (fake or otherwise) on all forms of media, you would think we were doomed! With the impeachment hearings playing out in the US. the general election in the UK and Brexit, businesses going bankrupt, millions depending on food banks and living in poverty or are homeless. Not to mention impending ecological disasters… where does it end!

Stop and think
Life is tough for many people at the moment.  So many businesses are struggling and forced to lay off staff. Many people are living in poverty, are homeless or socially isolated. It’s worth taking a few moments to spare a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves. 

Respect for our leaders?
It’s difficult to hold respect for most of our politicians who should be leading the way.  Instead, many model poor leadership, demonstrate zero emotional intelligence and exhibit appalling behaviours.

What can we do – individually and collectively?
So it’s up to me. To you. To us as a collective. Starting by us all asking ourselves what we can do to look after each other and our planet.  Here are my thoughts to help us make a difference:

Be kind and generous to others- it takes little effort to stop and help someone by smiling, giving your time or donating food or money to support someone in need.

Hold ourselves accountable for destroying our planet – perhaps we can’t sort the big stuff all on our own. But it’s in our gift to do what we can as individuals to think hard about whether we really need to use or cars or fly abroad rather than use the train, recycle and take our litter home and not chuck it out of our car windows, and make sure we use reusable energy sources – plenty of websites will let us find those ‘green’ energy suppliers quickly and easily!

Instead of spending all our time on social media- why not pick up the phone or better yet, stop and chat to someone. And smile! Say hello! Its not creepy, its kind.

And finally, we can all exhibit the behaviours that, sadly, our political leaders seem to be lacking – listen, be kind, value and support others.