Our Services
Strategy Development
Does your organisation have a clear direction? Do your staff have a shared understanding of your vision and objectives? Is your organisation ready for a strategy refresh? We can support you to develop and review your strategy, ensuring your people are bought into this by:
- Facilitating interactive strategy workshops for your board or senior team.
- Developing your vision and working with you to define your strategic objectives.
- Facilitating a review of progress and performance.
Development of your Leaders
Do your leaders have the right skills to make improvements happen? How resilient are your leaders? Does your organisation need to develop its staff? We can support leadership development by:
- Interpreting the results of a personality tool and provide individual feedback/ coaching session.
- Providing 1-2-1 coaching support to support leadership development and personal and business growth.
- Providing 1-2-few support, facilitating action learning sets for leaders to problem solve and innovate together.
- Delivering bespoke leadership workshops & programmes to support the development of your leadership team based on the needs of the organisation and your leaders.
Team Development
How effectively are your teams working together? Are your teams achieving your organisation’s objectives? We can support your teams to work effectively together by:
- Interpreting the results of a personality tool and provide individual feedback/ coaching session with each team member. This enables individuals to explore their strengths and blind spots and personality differences within the team and understand how team members can work together in a complementary way.
- Interpreting the results of a team diagnostic to facilitate a shared understanding of the team’s challenges.
- Providing interactive workshops or team coaching to support improved relationships and more effective ways of working.
Accelerating Business Change
Do your people have the right skills to make improvements happen? Do you have the right foundations and culture to deliver your change? Do you have the right tools and structure to achieve success with your improvement? We can support you initiate, accelerate and embed your change by:
- Supporting you create the right foundations and culture for your change.
- Helping your leaders understand how to lead the people side of change so that it your staff are onboard.
- Developing knowledge and application of quality tools and techniques scalable to your improvement.
- Work with you to embed your change and ensure your business outcomes are realised.
How we work with you
Whatever you may be trying to transform, the challenges will be the same. It will involve change to your systems, processes and, more importantly, your people. Change can be messy, confusing, distressing and a real challenge to implement. A brilliant strategy will surely fail if it is met with overwhelming resistance. Your people will need to adapt the way they do things in order to make the change a reality.
We understand that organisations operate in an environment that requires them to be adaptive to emergent and continuous change. KayHill’s methodology is the cornerstone of how we support business change, constructed from the evidence around behavioural and business change, this model is at the heart of everything we do.
KayHill has a simple aim – to help our clients solve the challenge of initiating, accelerating and embedding change in their organisations. We work in partnership with you and commit to your success during the project and in the longer term. We engage, listen, consider, consult and work with you to support your needs. We offer sound business advice, share knowledge and learn together. KayHill works in partnership with its clients, pushing the boundaries of what is possible to develop sustainable and innovative solutions.
Our underpinning methodology is applied to everything we do.